Mining produces high quantity of tailings, which might be contaminating. In this scenario, geomembrane is used for impermeabilization of tailing dams, leaching heaps, ponds and coverage, preventing from contamination of the soil and the water.
In this deployment, its extremely low permeability, great chemical and mechanical resistance and excellent resistance to the sun rays stand out; these make it an efficient solution in higher responsibility projects, in which issues related to safety, stability, waste hazardousness, legal issues, where the environmental, financial impact is critical in case of failure, are involved.
When stability is a critical factor, the HR (high relief) textured geomembrane is indicated, because its structured and constant texture provides reproducible friction angle values and high friction values.
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Engepol Geossintéticos
Telephone: 55(11) 4166-3040
Rua Juscelino kubitschek Oliveira, 250
São José – Canoas – RS
CEP: 92420-540